Ancestors from Geiranger

About the family, written many, many years ago.

Is this the same person? The woman to the right is Marte Grande´s grand-mother.

Jørgine Grande in her living-room. She used to sit in this chair and listen to the radio (she was blind)

My mother, her sisters and ther grand-father Magnus Grande

Helen and George. Helen is a cousin of my grand-father. Her mother emigrated, so Helen lived all her life in America.

Three of my grand-father´s cousins and their father Severin from Bringa. Their mother, Inga from Homlung died young.

Another generation born in the U.S. These are some of Inga and Severin´s grand-children.

One of Inga´s daughters with her children.

Marte Grande to the right.

Marte Grande and her grand-daugher, my mother. This must have been in 1960-61.
Pernille Grande og Jørgine Grande f. Skjelbostad

Peggy or Anny Klungnes.

Peggy or Anny Klungnes. Marte was their aunt.

Inga from Homlung on the right with her girls.